This is a woman who has brown hair, beautiful eyes, and a perfect smile. She is kind and loving and she is full of good and happiness. She has always been so hardworking and thankful all her life! This woman I admire, and I am proud to call her my mom!
My mom is always there for me. Although no matter how annoying or how hard I am to deal with she is always there for me! I’m glad, because in the mornings I’m not the easiest to deal with. Lucky for me she is still as gentle and sweet as always. Fortunately I have her especially when I am sick. No one wants to be around me when I am sick! Once again my mom is always there. She also helps me with my homework when I get stuck.
Everyday my mom works and trust me it’s stressful, but she still has a smile on her face! Somehow she is really good at getting everyone ready to go to work and school. She has to wake everyone up, get them ready, make breakfast, and lastly get herself ready! After going to work she has to make dinner, when she’s tired! Finally after dinner she does some laundry.
My mom is the perfect role model. Not because she’s my mom, but because of all the good and kindness she spreads around. No one can convince me that there is a better role model or a better mother than this woman I call mom! My mom works so hard all the time, yet she still has time to be there for me. I don’t know how she does it, but I am thankful for her.
Grace, this is the sweetest thing I have ever read. You are a very blessed girl to have such a wonderful mom. Love you, Maz
Thank you! I hope I see you soon☺️ I love you! Sorry if I donot text often I have been busy! And I like to see the person’s face when I talk to them
Let’s plan on you and Shane coming to visit during spring break. I am missing you something terrible and I like to see your face also. I miss you and want to hear about everything you have been doing. I love you sooooooo much.
I am not sure what we are doing for spring break, but I think we are coming. I am not sure
I love you too, Grace! There is no better work than taking care of you.
Love, MOM